Bloody Hell and Me
'I giggled, gasped and laughed out loud though this book.'
"When a woman has a kitchen utensil between her fingers, raise your hands, take three slow steps back, turn around and run for your life!"
The arrogant vampire Jeremy is about to firsthand discover the truth of such sayings.
Linett, a witness to a murder, is expected to give a statement that could not only spell trouble for the murderer but also set off a domino effect in the entire Parisian underworld. What starts as an easy assignment for Jeremy (kill the girl!) soon unfolds as the greatest challenge for the seasoned hitman.
I'm marrying him! Whether he likes it or not!
Amélie has known this since she was five years old. The fact that her dream prince is not only quite a bit older but also, above all, carries very sharp teeth with him doesn't matter at all.
Her decision is firm: As soon as she grows up, she will marry her vampire boyfriend!
However, her resolution is easily shaken when her unwitting fiancé disappears overnight without a single word.
Her surprise is all the greater when he reappears twenty years later. Under a different name, not having aged a day - and on his knees before her. Unfortunately, not to finally propose marriage, but in genuine distress. Not only does Jason have to fiercely defend his supremacy in the Parisian Mafia, his killing is supposed to be the masterpiece of Amélie's friend - a vampire hunter.
But a woman who knows that true love is never found on Tinder is more than willing to overlook these minor details.
"I should have kidnapped Satan's daughter instead. At least she'd only stick her father's trident up my rear end."
Half an hour – that's all Pauline needs to make Gaylord regret kidnapping her. She just needs to work on her escaping skills because Gaylord keeps foiling every one of her creative escape plans. But when his fiancée suddenly shows up at the door, the tables turn, and Pauline makes a decision. She's determined to make her kidnapper's vampiric life a living hell. Now Gaylord not only has to prevent Pauline from fleeing but also ensure his fiancée remains oblivious to his schemes and his rather unique dietary habits.
Pauline is supposed to help Gaylord transform from a vampire into a human. Who would have thought that you'd have to fight fire with fire? To top it all off, his feelings suddenly go haywire. Should he give in to the urge to throttle Pauline, or taste her blood and lips? Because Pauline is the most seductive confection he's ever encountered.
Pfarrer zu sein ist ein Höllenjob.
Seit Frédérics Gemeinde vampirischen Zuwachs bekommen hat, wird selbst eine simple Trauung zur Herausforderung: der Brautvater will den Schwiegersohn in spe beseitigen, Hunde jaulen völlig schief den Hochzeitsmarsch mit und die penetrante, viel zu hübsche Hexe Cecile flirtet ihm beinahe den Talar vom Leib.
Als Frédéric während der Zeremonie auch noch Gottes Ausspruch ›Es werde Licht‹ zu wörtlich nimmt und seine lang verdrängten magischen Kräfte die Kirche einstürzen lassen, kommt er kurzzeitig in Erklärungsnot. In dieser Situation einen uralten Vampir wiederzuerwecken, ist nicht die beste Idee, denn danach fängt der Spaß erst richtig an.
Plötzlich muss er nicht nur seine Kräfte vor dem Vatikan vertuschen, sondern sich auch noch mit den Intrigen innerhalb der Kirche herumschlagen. Dass Cecile ihm nicht nur Lehrstunden in Sachen Magie, sondern auch im Küssen gibt, fällt seinem obersten Chef bei dem Chaos doch bestimmt nicht auf, oder?